Frederik Pohl

Frederik Pohl è una figura altamente rispettata nel mondo della science fiction americana, con una carriera che dura da oltre 70 anni. È nato il 26 novembre 1919, a Brooklyn, New York City, e da allora è diventato un autore, editore e fan prolifico del genere. La carriera di Pohl è iniziata nel 1937 con la pubblicazione della sua prima poesia, "Elegy to a Dead Satellite: Luna". Da allora, ha scritto numerose storie di fiction, articoli ed saggi, mantenendo la sua reputazione come una voce autorevole nella science fiction.

Le abilità di scrittura ed editing di Pohl gli hanno valso numerosi riconoscimenti nel corso degli anni. Ha vinto tre premi Hugo per la sua scrittura e tre premi Nebula. Nel 1993, gli è stato conferito il titolo di Nebula Grand Master ed è stato introdotto nella Science Fiction Hall of Fame nel 1998. Dal 1959 circa fino al 1969, Pohl ha editato la rivista Galaxy e la sua rivista sorella IF, vincendo il premio Hugo per IF tre anni di fila. Il suo romanzo del 1977, "Gateway", ha vinto quattro premi per il miglior romanzo dell'anno, tra cui il premio Hugo, Locus, Nebula e John W. Campbell Memorial Award. Nel 1979, ha vinto un National Book Award degli Stati Uniti nella categoria di un anno Science Fiction per il suo romanzo "Jem".

La carriera di Pohl ha anche incluso collaborazioni con altri scrittori di science fiction, come Cyril M. Kornbluth, Jack Williamson, Dirk Wylie e Robert A.W. Lownes. Ha anche acquisito e ha editato romanzi per Bantam Books negli anni '70. Nonostante i suoi molti successi, Pohl è rimasto umile e accessibile, mantenendo un forte contatto con i suoi fan. Ha vissuto nell'area di Chicagoland fino alla sua morte il 2 settembre 2013. L'eredità di Pohl continua ad ispirare e influenzare nuove generazioni di scrittori e fan di science fiction.
Space Merchants Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Space Merchants / Gravy Planet 1952
2 The Merchants' War 1981
Starchild Books (with Jack Williamson)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Reefs of Space 1963
2 Starchild 1965
3 Rogue Star 1969
Saga Of Cuckoo Books (with Jack Williamson)
# Titolo Anno
1 Farthest Star 1975
2 Wall Around a Star 1983
Heechee Saga Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Gateway 1977
2 Beyond the Blue Event Horizon 1980
3 Heechee Rendezvous 1984
4 The Annals of the Heechee 1987
5 The Boy Who Would Live Forever 1990
Heechee Collections
# Titolo Anno
1 The Gateway Trip 1990
Eschaton Sequence Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Other End of Time 1996
2 The Siege of Eternity 1997
3 The Far Shore of Time 1999
Man Plus Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Man Plus 1976
2 Mars Plus 1994
Romanzi singoli
# Titolo Anno
1 Search the Sky 1954
2 Gladiator-at-Law 1955
3 A Town is Drowning 1955
4 Preferred Risk 1955
5 Presidential Year 1956
6 Slave Ship 1957
7 Wolfbane 1957
8 Drunkard's Walk 1960
9 A Plague of Pythons 1965
10 The Age of the Pussyfoot 1969
11 Jem 1979
12 The Cool War 1981
13 Starburst 1982
14 Syzygy 1982
15 The Years of the City 1984
16 Demon in the Skull 1984
17 Black Star Rising 1985
18 The Coming of the Quantum Cats 1986
19 Terror 1986
20 Chernobyl 1987
21 Land's End 1988
22 Narabedla Ltd. 1988
23 The Day The Martians Came 1988
24 Homegoing 1989
25 The World at the End of Time 1990
26 Outnumbering the Dead 1990
27 The Singers of Time 1991
28 Mining the Oort 1992
29 Stopping at Slowyear 1992
30 The Voices of Heaven 1994
31 O Pioneer! 1997
32 The Last Theorem 2008
33 All the Lives He Led 2011
34 Virtual Nightmare 2017
Racconti brevi/Novelle
# Titolo Anno
1 The Tunnel Under the World 1955
2 The Hated 1958
3 The Knights of Arthur 1958
4 Fermi and Frost 1985
5 The Day of the Boomer Dukes 2011
6 Midas Plague 2020
Raccolte di racconti
# Titolo Anno
1 Alternating Currents 1956
2 The Case against Tomorrow 1956
3 Tomorrow Times Seven 1959
4 The Man Who Ate the World 1960
5 The Wonder Effect 1962
6 The Abominable Earthman 1963
7 Digits and Dastards 1966
8 Turn Left at Thursday 1969
9 Day Million 1970
10 The Gold at the Starbow's End 1972
11 The Best of Frederik Pohl 1975
12 In the Problem Pit 1976
13 The Early Pohl 1976
14 Survival Kit 1979
15 Planets Three 1982
16 BIPOHL 1982
17 Midas World 1983
18 Pohlstars 1984
19 Platinum Pohl 2000
20 The Hated and Other Stories 2010
21 Works of Frederik Pohl [Illustrated] 2010
22 The Works of Frederik Pohl 2012
23 Adventures in Time and Space 2015
# Titolo Anno
1 The Merchants of Venus 1986
Libri di non-fiction
# Titolo Anno
1 Prince Henry Sinclair 1951
2 Practical Politics 1972 1971
3 The Viking settlements of North America 1972
4 The Way the Future Was 1978
5 Chasing Science 1980
6 Science Fiction Studies in Film 1981
7 The New Visions 1982
8 Our Angry Earth 1991
C.M. Kornbluth Collections (with C.M. Kornbluth)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Mindworm 1955
2 A Mile Beyond the Moon 1958
3 The Marching Morons 1959
4 The Wonder Effect 1962
5 The Explorers. 1963
6 Thirteen O'clock And Other Zero Hours 1970
7 The Best of C. M. Kornbluth 1976
8 Critical Mass 1977
9 Before the Universe 1980
10 Our Best 1987
11 His Share of Glory 1997
12 The Cosmic Expense Account 2009
13 Eight Worlds of C.M. Kornbluth 2010
Undersea Eden Books (with Jack Williamson)
# Titolo Anno
1 Undersea Quest 1954
2 Undersea Fleet 1956
3 Undersea City 1958
Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Culture, Identities and Technology in the Star Wars Films: Essays on the Two Trilogies 2007
2 Tolkien and Shakespeare: Essays on Shared Themes and Language 2007
3 Hugo Gernsback and the Century of Science Fiction 2007
4 The Influence of Star Trek on Television, Film and Culture 2007
5 The Evolution of Tolkien's Mythology: A Study of the History of Middle-earth 2007
6 Dreams and Nightmares: Science and Technology in Myth and Fiction 2008
7 H. Beam Piper: A Biography 2008
8 Science Fiction and the Two Cultures: Essays on Bridging the Gap Between the Sciences and the Humanities 2009
9 The Science of Fiction and the Fiction of Science: Collected Essays on SF Storytelling and the Gnostic Imagination 2009
10 The Inter-Galactic Playground: A Critical Study of Children's and Teens' Science Fiction 2009
11 The Twilight Mystique: Critical Essays on the Novels and Films 2010
12 Science Fiction and the Prediction of the Future: Essays on Foresight and Fallacy 2011
13 Of Bread, Blood and the Hunger Games: Critical Essays on the Suzanne Collins Trilogy 2012
14 Lois McMaster Bujold: Essays on a Modern Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy 2013
15 The Heritage of Heinlein: A Critical Reading of the Fiction 2013
16 Nature and the Numinous in Mythopoeic Fantasy Literature 2014
17 Discworld and the Disciplines: Critical Approaches to the Terry Pratchett Works 2014
18 An Asimov Companion: Characters, Places and Terms in the Robot/Empire/Foundation Metaseries 2016
19 Science Fiction and Futurism: Their Terms and Ideas 2017
20 Patricia A. McKillip and the Art of Fantasy World-Building 2017
21 A Dune Companion: Characters, Places and Terms in Frank Herbert's Original Six Novels 2018
22 The Fortean Influence on Science Fiction: Charles Fort and the Evolution of the Genre 2020
23 Arab and Muslim Science Fiction: Critical Essays 2022
The Space Merchants Books (with C.M. Kornbluth)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Space Merchants / Gravy Planet 1952
The SFWA Grand Masters Books (with Alfred Bester, with L. Sprague de Camp)
# Titolo Anno
1 The SFWA Grand Masters 2 2000
Isaac Asimov's Anthology Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Isaac Asimov's Worlds of Science Fiction 1980
2 Isaac Asimov's Near Futures and Far 1981
3 Isaac Asimov's Space of Her Own 1983
4 Isaac Asimov's Fantasy! 1985
5 Isaac Asimov's Aliens 1991
6 Isaac Asimov's Robots 1991
7 Isaac Asimov's SF-Lite 1993
8 Isaac Asimov's War 1993
9 Isaac Asimov's Cyberdreams 1994
10 Isaac Asimov's Skin Deep 1995
11 Isaac Asimov's Ghosts 1995
12 Isaac Asimov's Christmas 1997
13 Isaac Asimov's Camelot 1998
14 Isaac Asimov's Detectives 1998
15 Isaac Asimov's Werewolves 1999
16 Isaac Asimov's Solar System 1999
17 Isaac Asimov's Utopias 2000
18 Isaac Asimov's Father Day 2001
19 Isaac Asimov's Halloween 2001
Frederik Pohl Anthologies
# Titolo Anno
1 Star Science Fiction Stories No. 1 1953
2 Star Science Fiction Stories No. 2 1953
3 Star Science Fiction Stories No. 6 1953
4 Star Science Fiction Stories 3 1955
5 Star Science Fiction Stories No. 4 1958
6 Galaxy Science Fiction, December 1963 1963
7 Connoisseur's Science Fiction 1964
8 New Writings In SF-3 1964
9 The Eighth Galaxy Reader 1965
10 Science Fiction Oddities 1966
11 Dangerous Visions 1967
12 Backdrop of Stars 1968
13 Worlds of If, February 1969 1969
14 The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 3 1970
15 Alpha 3 1972
16 Orbit 11 1972
17 Star Science Fiction Stories No. 5 1972
18 The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 20th Series 1973
19 Those Who Can: A Science Fiction Reader 1973
20 Wondermakers 2 1974
21 Final Stage: The Ultimate Science Fiction Anthology 1974
22 The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction 22nd Series 1976
23 The Late Great Future 1976
24 Science Fiction Discoveries 1976
25 Algol The Magazine About Science Fiction - Winter 1977 / 1978 1977
26 Perilous Planets 1978
27 Galaxy Science Fiction, September-October 1979 1979
28 The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction 1980
29 Isaac Asimov's Worlds of Science Fiction 1980
30 Isaac Asimov's Near Futures and Far 1981
31 The Best Science Fiction of the Year 12 1983
32 Isaac Asimov's Space of Her Own 1983
33 Isaac Asimov's Fantasy! 1985
34 Tales from the Planet Earth 1986
35 Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, May 1987 1987
36 The Monster Book of Monsters 1988
37 Mississippi Review 47 / 48 1988
38 Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 1988 1988
39 The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1989 1989
40 Christmas on Ganymede and Other Stories 1990
41 Isaac Asimov's Aliens 1991
42 Isaac Asimov's Robots 1991
43 The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories 1992
44 Murasaki 1992
45 Inside the Funhouse 1992
46 Invaders! 1993
47 Isaac Asimov's SF-Lite 1993
48 Isaac Asimov's War 1993
49 Omni Visions Two 1994
50 Isaac Asimov's Cyberdreams 1994
51 Isaac Asimov's Skin Deep 1995
52 Isaac Asimov's Ghosts 1995
53 The Necronomicon 1996
54 Isaac Asimov's Christmas 1997
55 Isaac Asimov's Camelot 1998
56 Isaac Asimov's Detectives 1998
57 Far Horizons 1999
58 Bangs & Whimpers: Stories about The End of The World 1999
59 The SFWA Grand Masters 1 1999
60 Isaac Asimov's Werewolves 1999
61 Armageddons 1999
62 Isaac Asimov's Solar System 1999
63 The Furthest Horizon 2000
64 Isaac Asimov's Utopias 2000
65 American Body in Context 2001
66 Isaac Asimov's Father Day 2001
67 The SFWA Grand Masters 3 2001
68 Isaac Asimov's Halloween 2001
69 DAW 30th Anniversary Science Fiction 2002
70 DAW 30th Anniversary Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthologies 2002
71 The Hard SF Renaissance 2003
72 The Best of the Best, Vol 2 2007
73 The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction 2010
74 Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, February 1955 2011
75 The Ninth Science Fiction Megapack 2014
76 Lieu: Science Fiction Short Stories 2015