Greg Cox

Greg Cox è un autore americano molto noto e pluripremiato, specializzato in generi quali fantascienza, fantasy, horror e romanzi basati su film e serie TV. Si è affermato come autore bestseller del New York Times, con numerose serie di successo al suo attivo. La competenza di Cox risiede nella sua capacità di arricchire e ampliare i personaggi e le trame di franchise conosciuti, creando nuove e affascinanti storie che rimangono fedeli ai canoni originali.

Durante la sua carriera, Cox ha avuto l'opportunità di scrivere per una vasta gamma di popolari proprietà multimediali, tra cui Il pianeta delle scimmie, Godzilla, Superman, Batman, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Underworld, Infinite Crisis, Alias, The Avengers, CSI, Fantastic Four, The 4400, Iron Man, Roswell, Star Trek, Terminator, Xena, The X-Files, X-Men e Zorro. La sua abilità in questo campo lo ha reso uno dei praticanti di fiction di tie-in più di successo e rispettati, con una carriera redditizia che si estende per decenni. Cox attualmente risiede a Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, dove continua a scrivere e a contribuire al mondo della fantascienza e dei media popolari.

Nato nel 1959, Greg Cox ha iniziato la sua carriera di scrittore in giovane età, concentrandosi sulla fantascienza e sui romanzi di tie-in. Ha scritto numerosi romanzi di Star Trek, tra cui Le guerre dell'eugenetica (Volume Uno e Due), La continuità Q, Assegnazione: Eternità e La costa nera, mostrando la sua profonda connessione e passione per il franchise. I racconti brevi di Cox possono essere trovati in varie antologie, tra cui Star Trek: Racconti di guerra del Dominion, Star Trek: Le storie incredibili e Star Trek: Log Enterprise. Il suo primo romanzo su "Khan", Le guerre dell'eugenetica: Volume Uno, ha ricevuto recensioni positive ed è stato votato come il miglior libro di fantascienza dell'anno dai lettori di Dreamwatch magazine. Cox è anche presente in un extra del DVD "Director's Edition" di Star Trek II: La ira di Khan, solidificando ulteriormente il suo status come figura rispettata e influente nel mondo della fantascienza.
Robert Silverberg's Time Tours Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Pirate Paradox 1991
Iron Man Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Armor Trap 1995
2 Operation A.I.M 1996
Star Trek: TOS: The Eugenics Wars Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Eugenics Wars, Vol. 1 2001
2 The Eugenics Wars, Vol. 2 2002
3 To Reign in Hell 2005
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Q Continuum Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Q-Space 1998
2 Q-Strike 1998
X-Men and The Avengers: Gamma Quest Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Lost and Found 1999
2 Search and Rescue 1999
3 Friend or Foe? 2000
Underworld Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Underworld 2003
2 Blood Enemy 2004
3 Evolution 2005
4 Rise of the Lycans 2008
Fantastic Four Books
# Titolo Anno
1 War Zone 2005
Terminator Salvation Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Cold War 2009
Warehouse 13 Books
# Titolo Anno
1 A Touch of Fever 2011
Leverage Books (by with Matt Forbeck)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Zoo Job 2013
2 The Bestseller Job 2013
The Librarians Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Librarians and The Lost Lamp 2016
2 The Librarians and the Mother Goose Chase 2017
3 The Librarians and the Pot of Gold 2018
Planet Of The Apes Books
# Titolo Anno
1 War for the Planet of the Apes 2017
Batman Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Batman 2018
Dark Knight Trilogy Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Batman Begins 2005
2 The Dark Knight 2008
3 The Dark Knight Rises 2012
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Double Dealer 2002
2 Sin City 2002
3 Bad Rap 2002
4 Cold Burn 2003
5 Thicker Than Blood 2003
6 Body of Evidence 2003
7 Grave Matters 2004
8 Binding Ties 2005
9 Killing Game 2005
10 Snake Eyes 2006
11 Case Files Volume 1 2006
12 Brass in Pocket 2008
13 Nevada Rose 2008
14 The Killing Jar 2009
15 Blood Quantum 2010
16 Headhunter 2010
17 Dark Sundays 2010
18 Skin Deep 2010
19 Shock Treatment 2010
20 The Burning Season 2011
DC Comics Novels
# Titolo Anno
1 Crisis on Infinite Earths 2005
2 Infinite Crisis 2006
3 52 2007
4 Countdown 2009
5 Final Crisis 2010
6 Man of Steel 2013
MonsterVerse Books (with Tim Lebbon, with Greg Keyes, with Max Borenstein, with Greg Borenstein, with Arvid Nelson)
# Titolo Anno
1 Godzilla: Awakening 2014
2 Godzilla - The Official Movie Novelization 2014
3 Skull Island: The Birth of Kong 2017
4 Kong: Skull Island- The Official Movie Novelization 2017
5 Godzilla: Aftershock 2019
6 Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization 2019
7 GvK Godzilla Dominion 2021
8 Godzilla vs. Kong: The Official Movie Novelization 2021
9 Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - The Official Movie Novelization 2024
Roswell Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Loose Ends 2001
2 No Good Deed 2001
3 Little Green Men 2002
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Emissary 1993
2 The Siege 1993
3 Bloodletter 1993
4 The Big Game 1993
5 Fallen Heroes 1994
6 Betrayal 1994
7 Warchild 1994
8 The Search 1994
9 Antimatter 1994
10 Proud Helios 1995
11 Warped 1995
12 Valhalla 1995
13 Devil in the Sky 1995
14 The Ferengi: Rules of Acquisition 1995
15 The Laertian Gamble 1995
16 The Way of the Warrior 1995
17 Station Rage 1995
18 The Long Night 1996
19 Objective: Bajor 1996
20 The Heart of the Warrior 1996
21 Saratoga 1996
22 Trials and Tribble-ations 1996
23 The Tempest 1997
24 Wrath of the Prophets 1997
25 Legends of the Ferengi 1997
26 Trial by Error 1997
27 Vengeance 1998
28 Far Beyond the Stars 1998
29 The 34th Rule 1999
30 What You Leave Behind 1999
31 Tunnel Through the Stars 1999
32 The Lives of Dax 1999
33 A Stitch in Time 2000
34 Ds9#27 A Stitch In Time: Star Trek Deep Space Nine 2000
35 Section 31: Abyss 2001
36 Rising Son 2003
37 Prophecy and Change 2003
38 Unity 2003
39 Hollow Men 2005
40 Warpath 2006
41 Twist of Faith 2007
42 These Haunted Seas 2008
43 Fearful Symmetry 2008
44 The Soul Key 2009
45 The Never Ending Sacrifice 2009
46 Lust's Latinum Lost (and Found) 2014
47 Sacraments of Fire 2015
48 Ascendance 2015
49 Force and Motion 2016
50 Rules of Accusation 2016
51 The Long Mirage 2017
52 Enigma Tales 2017
53 Gamma: Original Sin 2017
54 I, The Constable 2017
Star Trek: The Next Generation (Numbered) Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Encounter at Farpoint 1987
2 Ghost Ship 1988
3 The Peacekeepers 1988
4 The Children of Hamlin 1988
5 Survivors 1989
6 Strike Zone 1989
7 Power Hungry 1989
8 Masks 1989
9 The Captain's Honor 1989
10 A Rock and a Hard Place 1990
11 Gulliver's Fugitives 1990
12 Doomsday World 1990
13 The Eyes of the Beholders 1990
14 Exiles 1990
15 Contamination 1991
16 Boogeymen 1991
17 Q-in-Law 1991
18 Perchance to Dream 1991
19 Spartacus 1992
20 Chains of Command 1992
21 Imbalance 1992
22 War Drums 1992
23 Nightshade 1992
24 Grounded 1993
25 The Romulan Prize 1993
26 Guises of the Mind 1993
27 Here There Be Dragons 1993
28 Sins of Commission 1994
29 Debtors' Planet 1994
30 Foreign Foes 1994
31 Requiem 1994
32 Balance of Power 1995
33 Blaze of Glory 1995
34 The Romulan Stratagem 1995
35 Into the Nebula 1995
36 The Last Stand 1995
37 Dragon's Honor 1996
38 Rogue Saucer 1996
39 Possession 1996
40 The Soldiers of Fear 1996
41 Infiltrator 1996
42 A Fury Scorned 1996
43 The Death of Princes 1997
44 Intellivore 1997
45 To Storm Heaven 1997
46 Q-Strike 1998
47 Infection 1999
48 I, Q 1999
49 Dyson Sphere 1999
50 Vectors 1999
51 Quarantine 1999
52 Red Sector 1999
53 Double or Nothing 1999
54 The First Virtue 1999
55 The Forgotten War 1999
56 Gemworld, Book One 2000
57 Gemworld, Book Two 2000
58 The Genesis Wave Book One 2000
59 The Genesis Wave, Book 1 2000
60 Vectors: Double Helix #2 2000
61 Diplomatic Implausibility 2001
62 Tooth and Claw 2001
63 Maximum Warp: Book One 2001
64 Maximum Warp: Book Two 2001
65 Rogue: Section 31 Book 2 2001
66 The Genesis Wave, Book Two 2001
67 Immortal Coil 2002
68 Immortal Coil: Star Trek The Next Generation 2002
69 A Hard Rain 2002
70 The Battle of Betazed 2002
71 Sand and Stars 2004
72 Takedown 2015
Star Trek: TOS (Numbered) Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Prometheus Design 1982
2 The Abode of Life 1982
3 Black Fire 1983
4 Triangle 1983
5 Web of the Romulans 1983
6 The Wounded Sky 1983
7 Corona 1984
8 The Tears of the Singers 1984
9 The Vulcan Academy Murders 1984
10 Uhura's Song 1985
11 Shadow Lord 1985
12 Ishmael 1985
13 Killing Time 1985
14 Pawns and Symbols 1985
15 Chain of Attack 1987
16 Bloodthirst 1987
17 The IDIC Epidemic 1988
18 The Three-Minute Universe 1988
19 Vulcan's Glory 1989
20 Home Is the Hunter 1990
21 Ghost-Walker 1991
22 A Flag Full of Stars 1991
23 Renegade 1991
24 Prime Directive 1991
25 The Rift 1991
26 Ice Trap 1992
27 Sanctuary 1992
28 Death Count 1992
29 Shell Game 1993
30 The Starship Trap 1993
31 From the Depths 1993
32 The Great Starship Race 1993
33 The Patrian Transgression 1994
34 Crossroad 1994
35 Recovery 1995
36 The Fearful Summons 1995
37 First Frontier 1995
38 The Captain's Daughter 1995
39 Twilight's End 1996
40 The Rings of Tautee 1996
41 The Joy Machine 1996
42 Mudd in Your Eye 1997
43 Mind Meld 1997
44 Assignment: Eternity 1998
45 Vulcan's Heart 1999
46 Across the Universe 1999
47 In the Name of Honor 2002
48 Ex Machina 2004
49 The Disinherited 2007
50 Excelsior: Forged in Fire 2007
51 The Children of Kings 2010
52 Cast No Shadow 2011
53 Allegiance in Exile 2013
Star Trek: TOS (Original) Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Klingon Gambit 1981
2 Entropy Effect 1981
3 The Covenant of the Crown 1981
4 The Prometheus Design 1982
5 The Abode of Life 1982
6 The Wrath Of Khan 1982
7 Black Fire 1983
8 Triangle 1983
9 Web of the Romulans 1983
10 Yesterday's Son 1983
11 Mutiny on the Enterprise 1983
12 The Wounded Sky 1983
13 The Vulcan Academy Murders 1984
14 The Trellisane Confrontation 1984
15 The Final Reflection 1984
16 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984
17 My Enemy, My Ally 1984
18 Uhura's Song 1985
19 Shadow Lord 1985
20 Ishmael 1985
21 Killing Time 1985
22 Dwellers in the Crucible 1985
23 Mindshadow 1986
24 Crisis on Centaurus 1986
25 Dreadnought! 1986
26 Time for Yesterday 1986
27 Battlestations! 1986
28 Demons 1986
29 Enterprise: The First Adventure 1986
30 The Romulan Way 1987
31 Strangers from the Sky 1987
32 Deep Domain 1987
33 Dreams of the Raven 1987
34 How Much for Just the Planet? 1987
35 Timetrap 1988
36 Final Frontier 1988
37 The IDIC Epidemic 1988
38 The Three-Minute Universe 1988
39 Spock's World 1988
40 Memory Prime 1988
41 Double, Double 1989
42 The Cry of the Onlies 1989
43 The Kobayashi Maru 1989
44 Enemy Unseen 1990
45 Rules of Engagement 1990
46 The Pandora Principle 1990
47 Doctor's Orders 1990
48 Home Is the Hunter 1990
49 Legacy 1991
50 Prime Directive 1991
51 Probe 1991
52 The Rift 1991
53 Faces of Fire 1992
54 The Disinherited 1992
55 Best Destiny 1992
56 From the Depths 1993
57 Windows on a Lost World 1993
58 Shadows on the Sun 1993
59 Firestorm 1994
60 Sarek 1994
61 The Patrian Transgression 1994
62 Traitor Winds 1994
63 Crossroad 1994
64 Recovery 1995
65 Twilight's End 1996
66 The Rings of Taute 1996
67 First Strike 1996
68 Mudd in Your Eye 1997
69 Vulcan's Forge 1997
70 Assignment: Eternity 1998
71 Vulcan's Heart 1999
72 Constitution 1999
73 Rough Trails 2000
74 The Flaming Arrow 2000
75 Thin Air 2000
76 Swordhunt 2000
77 Honor Blade 2000
78 The Aliens Are Coming! 2002
79 The Last Roundup 2002
80 Gemini 2003
81 Garth of Izar 2003
82 Ex Machina 2004
83 The Case of the Colonist's Corpse 2004
84 Burning Dreams 2006
85 Troublesome Minds 2009
86 Inception 2010
87 Unspoken Truth 2010
88 A Choice of Catastrophes 2011
89 The Rings of Time 2012
90 That Which Divides 2012
91 Allegiance in Exile 2013
92 Devil's Bargain 2013
93 The Weight of Worlds 2013
94 The Folded World 2013
95 The Shocks of Adversity 2013
96 From History's Shadow 2013
97 No Time Like the Past 2014
98 Serpents in the Garden 2014
99 The More Things Change 2014
100 Shadow of the Machine 2014
101 Foul Deeds Will Rise 2014
102 Savage Trade 2015
103 Crisis of Consciousness 2015
104 Armageddon's Arrow 2015
105 All That's Left 2015
106 Child of Two Worlds 2015
107 Miasma 2016
108 The Latter Fire 2016
109 Elusive Salvation 2016
110 The Face of the Unknown 2016
111 The Captain's Oath 2019
112 The Antares Maelstrom 2019
113 The Higher Frontier 2020
114 Agents of Influence 2020
115 A Contest of Principles 2020
116 Living Memory 2021
117 Harm's Way 2022
118 Lost to Eternity 2024
Star Trek: TOS: Legacies Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Captain to Captain 2016
2 Best Defense 2016
3 Purgatory's Key 2016
Star Trek: Voyager Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Caretaker 1995
2 The Escape 1995
3 Ragnarok 1995
4 Violations 1995
5 Incident at Arbuk 1995
6 The Murdered Sun 1996
7 Ghost of a Chance 1996
8 Cybersong 1996
9 The Final Fury 1996
10 Mosaic 1996
11 Flashback 1996
12 Bless the Beasts 1996
13 The Garden 1997
14 Chrysalis 1997
15 The Black Shore 1997
16 Marooned 1997
17 Echoes 1998
18 Pathways 1998
19 Seven of Nine 1998
20 Death of a Neutron Star 1999
21 Battle Lines 1999
22 Equinox 1999
23 Rogue 2001
24 Endgame 2001
25 Shadow: Section 31 2001
26 The Nanotech War 2002
27 Star Trek Voyager Companion 2003
28 Distant Shores 2005
29 Full Circle 2009
30 Unworthy 2009
31 Children of the Storm 2011
32 The Eternal Tide 2012
33 Protectors 2014
34 Acts of Contrition 2014
35 Atonement 2015
36 A Pocket Full of Lies 2016
37 Architects of Infinity 2018
38 To Lose the Earth 2020
The 4400 Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Vesuvius Prophecy 2008
2 Welcome to Promise City 2009
3 Promises Broken 2009
Romanzi singoli
# Titolo Anno
1 Daredevil 2003
2 Ghost Rider 2007
3 Death Defying Acts 2007
4 Final Crisis 2010
5 Riese 2012
6 Batman: The Court of Owls 2019
Libri di non-fiction
# Titolo Anno
1 Transylvanian Library 1992
2 Battle On! An Unauthorized, Irreverant Look at Zena 1998
3 Bigfoot 2001
Alias Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Replaced 2003
2 Father Figure 2003
3 Disappeared 2003
4 A Secret Life 2003
5 Sister Spy 2003
6 Recruited 2003
7 The Pursuit 2003
8 Close Quarters 2003
9 Two of a Kind? 2003
10 Secret Identities - An Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Alias 2003
11 Free Fall 2004
12 Infiltration 2004
13 Vanishing Act 2004
14 Shadowed 2004
15 Skin Deep 2004
16 Faina 2005
17 Mind Games 2005
18 Collateral Damage 2005
19 Authorized Personnel Only 2005
20 Vigilance 2005
21 Once Lost 2006
22 Old Friends 2006
23 A Touch of Death 2006
24 Namesakes 2006
25 Strategic Reserve 2006
26 The Ghost 2006
The Avenger Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Justice, Inc. 1939
2 The Yellow Hoard 1939
3 The Sky Walker 1939
4 The Devil's Horns 1939
5 The Frosted Death 1940
6 The Blood Ring 1940
7 Stockholders in Death 1940
8 The Glass Mountain 1940
9 Tuned for Murder 1940
10 The Smiling Dogs 1940
11 River of Ice 1940
12 The Flame Breathers 1940
13 Murder on Wheels 1940
14 Three Gold Crowns 1941
15 House of Death 1941
16 The Hate Master 1941
17 Nevlo 1941
18 Death in Slow Motion 1941
19 Pictures of Death 1941
20 The Green Killer 1942
21 The Happy Killers 1942
22 The Black Death 1942
23 The Wilder Curse 1942
24 Midnight Murder 1942
25 The Man From Atlantis 1974
26 Red Moon 1974
27 The Purple Zombie 1974
28 Dr. Time 1974
29 The Nightwitch Devil 1974
30 Black Chariots 1974
31 The Cartoon Crimes 1974
32 The Blood Countess 1975
33 The Death Machine 1975
34 The Glass Man 1975
35 The Iron Skull 1975
36 Demon Island 1975
37 Roaring Heart of the Crucible 2013
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1992
2 Halloween Rain 1997
3 The Angel Chronicles, Vol. 2 1998
4 Night of the Living Rerun 1998
5 Blooded 1998
6 Child of the Hunt 1998
7 Return to Chaos 1998
8 Visitors 1999
9 The Monster Book 1999
10 Immortal 1999
11 Sins of the Father 1999
12 Unnatural Selection 1999
13 Resurrecting Ravana 1999
14 The Sunnydale High Yearbook 1999
15 The Willow Files, Vol. 1 1999
16 Deep Water 2000
17 The Harvest 2000
18 The Evil That Men Do 2000
19 How I Survived My Summer Vacation 2000
20 Spike and Dru: Pretty Maids All in a Row 2000
21 The Willow Files, Vol. 2 2001
22 Revenant 2001
23 Tempted Champions 2001
24 The Book of Fours 2001
25 Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Watcher's Guides 2001
26 Paleo 2002
27 Ghoul Trouble 2002
28 Oz: Into the Wild 2002
29 Crossings 2002
30 The Wisdom of War 2002
31 Little Things 2002
32 These Our Actors 2002
33 Chosen 2003
34 Blood and Fog 2003
35 Chaos Bleeds 2003
36 Queen of the Slayers 2005
37 Blackout 2005
38 Carnival of Souls 2006
39 The Deathless 2007
40 Dark Congress 2007
41 One Thing or Your Mother 2008
42 Demons of the Hellmouth: A Guide for Slayers 2015
43 Ghost Roads 2017
44 Out of the Madhouse 2017
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Slayer Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Tales of the Slayer 2001
2 Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 2 2002
3 Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 3 2003
4 Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 4 2004
Star Trek: Mirror Universe Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Glass Empires 2007
2 Obsidian Alliances 2007
Greg Cox Anthologies
# Titolo Anno
1 Walls of Fear 1991
2 Tomorrow Sucks 1994
3 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories 1995
4 Tomorrow Bites 1995
5 The Further Adventures of Xena: Warrior Princess 2001
6 Tales of the Slayer 2001
7 Star Trek: The Amazing Stories 2002
8 Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 2 2002
9 Prophecy and Change 2003
10 Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 3 2003
11 Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 4 2004
12 Turning the Tied 2021
13 Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2021 2021
14 Running Home to Shadows: Memories of TV's First Supernatural Soap from Today's Grown-Up Kids 2022
15 The Good, The Bad, & The Uncanny 2023