Michael Bond

Michael Bond è un autore inglese molto noto, maggiormente conosciuto per la creazione della famosa serie di libri per bambini, Paddington Bear. Nato nel 1926, Bond è cresciuto in un ambiente incentrato sulla lettura, il che ha probabilmente contribuito al suo amore per la letteratura e alla sua successiva carriera come autore. Nonostante il desiderio dei suoi genitori che lui frequentasse l'università, l'educazione di Bond è terminata all'età di 14 anni a causa dello scoppio della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.

La carriera di scrittore di Bond è iniziata sul serio nel 1958 con la pubblicazione del suo primo libro, A Bear Called Paddington, che ruotava attorno a un orso goloso di marmellata dal Perù. La serie è stata un successo immediato e ha venduto più di 35 milioni di copie in tutto il mondo. È stata anche adattata in varie forme di media, tra cui televisione e film, raggiungendo generazioni di bambini e solidificando lo status di Paddington Bear come un amato iconica culturale.

Oltre alla serie di Paddington, Bond ha scritto altre opere notevoli, tra cui la serie Olga da Polga e le storie di mistero culinario Monsieur Pamplemousse per un pubblico adulto. I suoi contributi alla letteratura per bambini gli hanno fatto guadagnare riconoscimenti e lodi, tra cui il ricevimento di un CBE nei onori di compleanno della Regina 2015. Nel complesso, le opere di Bond hanno portato gioia e intrattenimento a milioni di lettori in tutto il mondo, rendendolo una figura celebrata nel mondo della letteratura per bambini.
Paddington Bear Books
# Titolo Anno
1 A Bear Called Paddington 1938
2 More About Paddington 1959
3 Paddington Helps Out 1960
4 Paddington Abroad 1961
5 Paddington at Large 1963
6 Paddington Marches on 1964
7 The Adventures of Paddington 1965
8 Paddington at Work 1967
9 Paddington Goes to Town 1968
10 The Best of Paddington Bear 1970
11 Paddington Takes the Air 1970
12 Paddington Takes to TV 1971
13 The Hilarious Adventures of Paddington 1972
14 Paddington's Blue Peter Story Book 1973
15 Paddington On Top 1974
16 Paddington on Stage 1974
17 Great Big Paddington Book 1976
18 More Hilarious Adventures of Paddington 1978
19 Fun And Games With Paddington 1978
20 Paddington's Picture Book 1978
21 Paddington Takes the Test 1979
22 Paddington on Screen 1982
23 Paddington's Story Book 1983
24 The Great Big Paddington Bear Picture Book 1984
25 The Life And Times Of Paddington Bear 1989
26 The Giant Paddington Storybook 1989
27 Paddington Treasury 1989
28 Paddington's Favourite Stories 1992
29 Paddington's Birthday Book 1996
30 Learn with Paddington 1999
31 Paddington Suitcase 2007
32 Paddington Rules the Waves 2008
33 Paddington Here and Now 2008
34 My Book of Marmalade 2008
35 Paddington Pocket Library 2008
36 The Arrival 2009
37 Paddington, King of the Castle 2009
38 Paddington and the Disappearing Sandwich 2009
39 Paddington at the Beach 2009
40 Paddington at the Rainbow's End 2009
41 The Paddington Treasury for the Very Young 2010
42 Paddington 2011
43 Paddington Buggy Book 2011
44 Paddington’s London Treasury 2011
45 Paddington Races Ahead 2012
46 Love from Paddington 2012
47 A Bear Called Paddington and Stories 2014
48 Favourite Paddington Stories 2014
49 The Classic Adventures of Paddington 2014
50 Paddington’s Big Suitcase 2015
51 Paddington's Finest Hour 2017
52 Best-loved Paddington Stories 2017
53 Paddington Storybook Collection 2017
54 Paddington Collector's Quintet 2018
55 Paddington Turns Detective and Other Funny Stories 2018
56 The Complete Adventures of Paddington 2018
Paddington Bear Picture Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Paddington Bear 1965
2 Paddington's Garden 1972
3 Paddington Goes Shopping 1973
4 Paddington at the Circus 1973
5 Paddington's Lucky Day 1973
6 Paddington at the Seaside 1975
7 Paddington at the Tower 1975
8 The Adventures Of A Bear Called Paddington 1976
9 Paddington Posts a Letter 1976
10 Paddington at the Station 1976
11 Paddington Goes To The Sales 1976
12 Paddington Takes A Bath 1976
13 Paddington's New Room 1976
14 Paddington Does it Himself 1977
15 Paddington Hits Out 1977
16 Paddington In The Kitchen 1977
17 Paddington's Birthday Party 1977
18 Paddington's Pop Up Book 1977
19 Paddington And Aunt Lucy 1980
20 Paddington in Touch 1980
21 Paddington Weighs in 1980
22 A Picnic On The River 1980
23 Paddington - At Home 1980
24 Paddington Goes Out 1980
25 Paddington Learns a Lesson 1981
26 Paddington Birthday Treat 1981
27 Paddington's Shopping Adventure 1981
28 Paddington Laundromat 1981
29 Paddington And The Snowbear 1981
30 Paddington Has Fun 1982
31 Paddington Works Hard 1982
32 Paddington's day of action 1983
33 Paddington at the Zoo 1984
34 Paddington at the Fair 1985
35 Paddington's Painting Exhibition 1985
36 Paddington at the Airport 1986
37 Please Look After This Bear 1986
38 Paddington's Art Exhibition 1986
39 Paddington Mails a Letter 1986
40 Paddington at the Palace 1986
41 Paddington Minds the House 1986
42 Paddington Cleans Up 1986
43 Paddington's Clock Book 1986
44 Paddington's Wheel Book 1986
45 Paddington's Bus Ride 1986
46 Paddington and the Christmas Shopping 1986
47 Paddington's Colors 1987
48 Paddington's Numbers 1987
49 Paddington's Puzzle Book 1987
50 Paddington and the Marmalade Maze 1987
51 Paddington's Busy Day 1987
52 Paddington on the River 1989
53 Paddington's Opposites 1990
54 Paddington's 1 2 3 1990
55 Paddington's A B C 1990
56 Paddington's Busy Week 1991
57 Paddington Meets the Queen 1991
58 Paddington Rides On! 1991
59 A Day by the Sea 1992
60 Paddington Has A Bath 1992
61 Something Nasty in the Kitchen 1992
62 Paddington at the Seashore 1992
63 Paddington's Disappearing Trick 1992
64 Paddington's First Word Book 1993
65 Paddington's things I do 1994
66 Paddington's Things I Feel 1994
67 Paddington Goes on a Picnic 1994
68 Paddington Makes a Mess 1994
69 Paddington's First Bath 1994
70 A Bear In Hot Water 1995
71 A Spot Of Decorating 1995
72 Paddington and the Christmas Surprise 1997
73 Paddington at the Carnival 1998
74 Paddington The Artist 1998
75 Paddington Bear All Day 1998
76 Paddington Bear and the Busy Bee Carnival 1998
77 Paddington Bear Goes to Market 1998
78 Paddington and the Tutti Frutti Rainbow 1998
79 Paddington and the Stately Home 1999
80 Paddington Bear Up And About 1999
81 Paddington Goes to Market 1999
82 Too Much Off the Top 1999
83 Paddington Bear at the Circus 2000
84 Trouble at the Laundrette 2000
85 Paddington In Hot Water 2000
86 Paddington's Party Tricks 2000
87 Paddington Bear Goes to the Hospital 2001
88 Paddington Goes to Hospital 2001
89 Paddington Bear in the Garden 2001
90 Paddington in the Garden 2001
91 Paddington and the Grand Tour 2003
92 Paddington Goes for Gold 2012
93 Paddington Sets Sail 2016
94 Paddington and the Magic Trick 2016
95 Paddington Plays On 2016
96 Paddington's Day Off 2017
97 Paddington's Prize Picture 2017
98 Paddington at the Barber Shop 2017
99 Paddington at St. Paul's 2019
Mouse Called Thursday Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Here Comes Thursday! 1966
2 Thursday Rides Again 1969
3 Thursday Ahoy! 1973
4 Thursday In Paris 2003
Parsley Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Parsley's Good Deed 1969
2 Parsley's Tail 1969
3 Parsley's Last Stand 1970
4 Parsley's Problem Past 1970
5 Parsley and the Herbs 1971
6 Parsley the Lion 1972
Olga Da Polga Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Tales of Olga Da Polga 1972
2 Olga Meets Her Match 1973
3 Olga Counts Her Blessings 1975
4 Olga Makes a Friend 1975
5 Olga Makes a Wish 1975
6 Olga Makes Her Mark 1975
7 Olga Takes a Bite 1975
8 Olga's New Home 1977
9 Olga's Second House 1977
10 Olga's Special Day 1977
11 Olga Carries On 1977
12 Olga Takes Charge 1982
13 The First Big Olga Da Polga Book 1983
14 The Second Big Olga Da Polga Book 1983
15 The Complete Adventures of Olga Da Polga 1987
16 Olga Moves House 2001
17 The Best of Olga Da Polga 2002
18 Olga Follows Her Nose 2002
19 Olga Da Polga 2015
J.D. Polson Books
# Titolo Anno
1 J.D. Polson and the Liberty Head Dime 1980
2 J.D. Polson and the Dillogate Affair 1981
Monsieur Pamplemousse Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Monsieur Pamplemousse 1983
2 Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Secret Mission 1985
3 Monsieur Pamplemousse on the Spot 1986
4 Monsieur Pamplemousse Takes the Cure 1988
5 Monsieur Pamplemousse Aloft 1989
6 Monsieur Pamplemousse Rests His Case 1991
7 Monsieur Pamplemousse Stands Firm 1992
8 Monsieur Pamplemousse on Location 1992
9 Monsieur Pamplemousse Takes the Train 1993
10 Monsieur Pamplemousse Afloat 1993
11 Monsieur Pamplemousse on Probation 2000
12 Monsieur Pamplemousse on Vacation 2002
13 Monsieur Pamplemousse Hits the Headlines 2003
14 Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Militant Midwives 2006
15 Monsieur Pamplemousse and the French Solution 2008
16 Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Carbon Footprint 2010
17 Monsieur Pamplemousse & the Tangled Web 2014
Romanzi singoli
# Titolo Anno
1 The Caravan Puppets 1983
2 It Wasn't Me! 2014
Libri illustrati
# Titolo Anno
1 Day the Animals Went on Strike 1972
2 Windmill 1975
3 Mr. Cram's Magic Bubbles 1975
4 Oliver the Greedy Elephant 1985
5 The Adventures of Parsley the Lion 1987
6 The Tale of the Castle Mice 2016
7 The Ups and Downs of the Castle Mice 2019
Libri di non-fiction
# Titolo Anno
1 The Pleasures of Paris 1988
2 Bears & Forebears 1996
3 Paddington’s Guide to London 2011
4 Paddington's Cookery Book 2011
Changing Picture Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Paddington's New Room 1976
2 Everyone Needs Their Own Spot 1995
3 That's What Friends Are For 1995
4 It Never Hurts To Ask 1995
5 Teaching Is Touching Tomorrow 1996
Michael Bond Anthologies
# Titolo Anno
1 Malice Domestic 7 1998