Michael Moorcock

Michael Moorcock è un autore acclamato inglese, noto principalmente per i suoi romanzi di fantascienza e fantasy. Ha scritto numerose serie, tra cui la Saga di Elric, l'Eternal Champion, Jerry Cornelius e le Chronicles of Corum, tutte collegate in un Multiverso. L'interesse di Moorcock per la fantascienza e la fantasy è iniziato in tenera età e all'età di 17 anni stava già editando Tarzan Adventures. Le sue abilità di scrittura prolifiche gli hanno permesso di scrivere fino a 15.000 parole in un giorno.

Moorcock è nato a Londra nel 1939 ed è stato ispirato dalla città, in particolare Ladbroke Grove e Notting Hill Gate, nella sua scrittura. È diventato un autore pubblicato nel 1961, con la pubblicazione del suo primo romanzo, The Stealer of Souls. Il lavoro di Moorcock è noto per il suo contenuto politico e non ha paura di utilizzare la fiction come mezzo per esplorare questioni politiche. Oltre alla sua scrittura, Moorcock è anche impegnato nell'attivismo politico.

Moorcock ha favorito lo sviluppo della "New Wave" della fantascienza nel Regno Unito e indirettamente negli Stati Uniti attraverso il suo ruolo di editore della controversa rivista di fantascienza britannica New Worlds dal 1964 al 1971 e di nuovo dal 1976 al 1996. Durante questo periodo, ha occasionalmente scritto sotto lo pseudonimo "James Colvin", uno pseudonimo di casa utilizzato anche da altri critici su New Worlds. Ha anche utilizzato altri pseudonimi come "William Barclay" e "Warwick Colvin, Jr." nella sua scrittura. Il lavoro di Moorcock non si limita alla fantascienza e alla fantasy; ha anche pubblicato romanzi letterari ed è stato insignito di diversi premi per la sua scrittura.
Chronicles Of Corum Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Knight of the Swords 1971
2 The Queen of the Swords 1971
3 The King of the Swords 1971
4 The Oak and the Ram 1973
5 The Bull and the Spear 1973
6 The Sword and the Stallion 1974
Colonel Pyat Quartet Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Byzantium Endures 1981
2 The Laughter of Carthage 1984
3 Jerusalem Commands 1992
4 The Vengeance of Rome 1999
Count Brass Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Count Brass 1973
2 The Champion of Garathorm 1973
3 The Quest for Tanelorn 1975
Dancers At The End Of Time Books
# Titolo Anno
1 An Alien Heat 1972
2 The Hollow Lands 1974
3 Legends from the End of Time 1976
4 The End of All Songs 1976
5 The Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming / A Messiah at the End of Time 1977
6 Elric at the End of Time 1981
Elric Saga Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Vanishing Tower / The Sleeping Sorceress 1970
2 Elric of Melniboné / The Dreaming City 1972
3 The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 1976
4 The Weird of the White Wolf / The White Wolf 1977
5 The Bane of the Black Sword / Song of the Black Sword 1977
6 Stormbringer 1977
7 The Fortress of the Pearl 1989
8 The Revenge of the Rose 1991
9 The Dreamthief's Daughter 2001
10 The White Wolf's Son 2005
11 The Citadel of Forgotten Myths 2022
Elric Saga Series in Chronological Order
# Titolo Anno
1 Elric of Melniboné / The Dreaming City 1972
2 The Fortress of the Pearl 1989
3 The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 1976
4 The Weird of the White Wolf / The White Wolf 1977
5 The Vanishing Tower / The Sleeping Sorceress 1970
6 The Revenge of the Rose 1991
7 The Bane of the Black Sword / Song of the Black Sword 1977
8 Stormbringer 1977
9 The Dreamthief's Daughter 2001
10 The White Wolf's Son 2005
11 The Citadel of Forgotten Myths 2022
Elric Saga Short Stories/Novellas
# Titolo Anno
1 The Jade Man's Eyes 1973
2 The Return to Melniboné 1973
Elric Saga Collections (with P. Craig Russell, with Lovern Kindzierski)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Singing Citadel 1970
2 Elric: Stormbringer 1997
3 Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories 2013
Elric Saga Graphic Novels
# Titolo Anno
1 The Dreaming City 1982
2 Elric at the End of Time: The Graphic Novel 1987
3 The Making of a Sorcerer 2005
4 Elric: The Balance Lost, Vol. 1 2011
5 Elric: The Balance Lost, Vol. 2 2011
6 Elric: The Balance Lost, Vol. 3 2011
Elric: The Moonbeam Roads Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Daughter of Dreams 2013
2 Destiny's Brother 2013
3 Son of the Wolf 2013
Eternal Champion Books (with Howard Chaykin)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Eternal Champion 1970
2 Phoenix in Obsidian / The Silver Warriors 1970
3 Corum: The Coming of Chaos 1972
4 Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1979
5 The Swords of Heaven, the Flowers of Hell 1979
6 The Dragon in the Sword 1986
7 The Roads Between The Worlds 1991
8 A Nomad of the Time Streams 1999
9 Kane of Old Mars 2000
10 The Skrayling Tree: The Albino in America 2004
Jerry Cornelius Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Final Programme 1968
2 A Cure for Cancer 1969
3 The New Nature of the Catastrophe 1971
4 The English Assassin 1972
5 The Adventures of Una Persson & Catherine Cornelius in the 20th Century / Persson and Catherine 1976
6 The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976
7 The Condition of Muzak 1978
8 The Entropy Tango 1981
9 The Opium General and Other Stories 1984
10 Firing the Cathedral 2002
11 Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
12 Pegging the President 2018
Jerry Cornell Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Chinese Agent 1970
2 The Russian Intelligence 1983
Karl Glogauer Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Behold the Man 1969
2 Breakfast in the Ruins 1971
Last Emperor Of Melnibone Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Stealer of Souls 2008
2 To Rescue Tanelorn 2008
3 The Sleeping Sorceress 2008
4 Duke Elric 2009
5 Elric in the Dream Realms 2009
6 Swords and Roses 2010
London Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Mother London 1988
2 King of the City 2000
Michael Kane Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Warriors of Mars / The City of the Beast 1965
2 Blades of Mars / Lord of the Spiders 1965
3 Barbarians of Mars / Masters of the Pit 1965
Oswald Bastable Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Warlord of the Air 1971
2 The Land Leviathan 1974
3 The Steel Tsar 1981
Runestaff/Hawkmoon Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Jewel in the Skull 1967
2 The Mad God's Amulet / Sorcerer's Amulet 1968
3 The Sword of the Dawn 1968
4 The Runestaff / The Secret of the Runestaff 1969
Sanctuary Of The White Friars Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Whispering Swarm 2014
2 The Woods of Arcady 2023
Second Ether Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Blood 1994
2 Fabulous Harbors 1995
3 The War Amongst the Angels 1996
Time Of The Hawklords Books (with Michael Butterworth)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Time of the Hawklords 1976
2 Queens of Deliria 1977
Von Bek Family Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Sundered Worlds / The Blood Red Game 1962
2 The War Hound and the World's Pain 1981
3 The Brothel in Rosenstrasse 1982
4 The City in the Autumn Stars 1986
5 Lunching with the Antichrist 1994
Romanzi singoli
# Titolo Anno
1 The Wrecks of Time / The Rituals of Infinity 1965
2 The Fireclown / The Winds of Limbo 1965
3 The Twilight Man / The Shores of Death 1966
4 The Deep Fix 1966
5 The Black Corridor 1969
6 The Ice Schooner 1969
7 The Time Dweller 1969
8 The Distant Suns 1969
9 Gloriana 1978
10 The Golden Barge 1979
11 The Great Rock 'N' Roll Swindle 1980
12 Sailing to Utopia 1991
13 Silverheart 2000
Racconti brevi/Novelle
# Titolo Anno
1 White Stars 1975
2 Colour 1993
3 Birds of the Moon 1995
4 Curare 2012
Raccolte di racconti
# Titolo Anno
1 Moorcock's Book of Martyrs / Dying for Tomorrow 1976
2 England Invaded 1977
3 Sojan 1977
4 The Prince with the Silver Hand 1978
5 My Experiences in the Third World War 1980
6 Casablanca 1989
7 Tales from the Texas Woods 1997
8 London Bone 2002
9 The Metatemporal Detective 2007
10 The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
11 Sojan the Swordsman / Under the Warrior Star 2010
12 Modem Times 2.0 2011
13 Moorcock's Multiverse 2014
14 Breakfast in the Ruins and Other Stories 2014
15 Travelling to Utopia 2014
16 The Brothel in Rosenstrasse and Other Stories 2014
Graphic Novels (with Don Lawrence, with Ted Cowan)
# Titolo Anno
1 Michael Moorcock's Multiverse 1999
2 Karl the Viking, Vol. 2: The Voyage of the Sea Raiders 2022
Libri di non-fiction
# Titolo Anno
1 The Retreat from Liberty 1984
2 Letters From Hollywood 1986
3 Law and Chaos: The Stormbringer Animated Film Projects 1987
4 Wizardry and Wild Romance: A Study of Epic Fantasy 1987
5 Fantasy: The 100 Best Books 1988
6 Death is No Obstacle 1992
7 The Sunday Books 2006
8 Mervyn Peake: A Memoir 2006
9 Into the Media Web: Selected Short Non-Fiction, 1956-2006 2010
10 London Peculiar and Other Nonfiction 2012
Best SF Stories From New Worlds Books (with Norman Spinrad)
# Titolo Anno
1 Best S.F. Stories from New Worlds 1967
2 Best SF Stories from New Worlds 2 1967
3 Best SF Stories from New Worlds 3 1968
4 Best SF Stories from New Worlds 4 1969
5 Best SF Stories from New Worlds 5 1969
6 Best SF Stories from New Worlds 6 1970
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor Books (with Justin Richards, with Stella Duffy, with Jenny Colgan)
# Titolo Anno
1 Coming of the Terraphiles 2010
2 Into the Nowhere 2014
Doctor Who: New Series Adventures Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Clockwise Man 2005
2 The Monsters Inside 2005
3 Winner Takes All 2005
4 The Deviant Strain 2005
5 Only Human 2005
6 The Stealers of Dreams 2005
7 The Stone Rose 2006
8 The Feast of the Drowned 2006
9 The Resurrection Casket 2006
10 The Nightmare of Black Island 2006
11 The Art of Destruction 2006
12 The Price of Paradise 2006
13 The Pirate Loop 2007
14 Sting of the Zygons 2007
15 Doctor Who: Wooden Heart 2007
16 The Last Dodo 2007
17 Wooden Heart 2007
18 Sick Building 2007
19 Forever Autumn 2007
20 Wetworld 2007
21 Wishing Well 2007
22 Peacemaker 2007
23 The Many Hands 2008
24 Martha in the Mirror 2008
25 Snowglobe 7 2008
26 Ghosts of India 2008
27 The Doctor Trap 2008
28 Shining Darkness 2008
29 The Story of Martha 2008
30 The Eyeless 2008
31 Prisoner of the Daleks 2009
32 Judgement of the Judoon 2009
33 The Slitheen Excursion 2009
34 The Taking of Chelsea 426 2009
35 Autonomy 2009
36 The Krillitane Storm 2009
37 The Glamour Chase 2010
38 Nuclear Time 2010
39 Apollo 23 2010
40 Night of the Monsters 2010
41 The Forgotten Army 2010
42 The King's Dragon 2010
43 Coming of the Terraphiles 2010
44 Dead of Winter 2011
45 The Way Through the Woods 2011
46 Hunter's Moon 2011
47 Touched by An Angel 2011
48 Paradox Lost 2011
49 Borrowed Time 2011
50 The Silent Stars Go By 2011
51 Dark Horizons 2012
52 The Dalek Generation 2013
53 Shroud of Sorrow 2013
54 Doctor Who: Plague of the Cybermen 2013
55 The Crawling Terror 2014
56 Silhouette 2014
57 Engines of War 2014
58 The Blood Cell 2014
59 Royal Blood 2015
60 Deep Time 2015
61 In the Blood 2016
62 The Shining Man 2017
63 Diamond Dogs 2017
64 Plague City 2017
65 The Good Doctor 2018
66 Molten Heart 2018
67 Combat Magicks 2018
68 At Childhood's End 2020
The Michael Moorcock Library Books (by with P. Craig Russell)
# Titolo Anno
1 Elric of Melniboné 2015
2 The Weird of the White Wolf 2015
Zenith: The Best in New British Science Fiction Books (with Lisa Tuttle, with Stephen Baxter, with Garry Douglas Kilworth, with Storm Constantine, with Brian M. Stableford, with Ian Macdonald, with Colin Greenland, with Eric Brown, with John Gribbin, with David S. Garnett, with Simon D. Ings, with Jojo Bling, with Elizabeth Sourbut)
# Titolo Anno
1 Zenith 1989
2 Zenith 2: The Best In New British Science Fiction 1989
Outspoken Authors Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Human Front 2001
2 The Left Left Behind 2009
3 Lucky Strike 2009
4 The Underbelly 2010
5 Mammoths of the Great Plains 2010
6 The Wild Girls 2011
7 Modem Times 2.0 2011
8 The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow 2011
9 Surfing the Gnarl 2012
10 Report from Planet Midnight 2012
11 The Science of Herself 2013
12 Patty Hearst & The Twinkie Murders: A Tale of Two Trials 2013
13 New Taboos 2013
14 Raising Hell 2014
15 My Life, My Body 2015
16 Gypsy 2015
17 Miracles Ain't What They Used to Be 2016
18 Fire. 2017
19 Totalitopia 2017
20 The Atheist in the Attic 2018
21 Thoreau's Microscope 2018
22 The Beatrix Gates 2019
23 A City Made of Words 2019
Sexton Blake Library Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Silent Thunder Caper 2014
2 Sexton Blake and the Great War 2020
3 Sexton Blake and the Master Crooks 2020
4 Sexton Blake's Allies 2020
5 Sexton Blake on the Home Front 2021
6 Sexton Blake's New Order 2021
7 Sexton Blake: Caribbean Crisis & Voodoo Island 2023
Michael Moorcock Anthologies
# Titolo Anno
1 The Traps of Time 1968
2 Science Against Man 1970
3 New World Quarterly 3 1972
4 New World Quarterly #4 1972
5 New Worlds 5 1973
6 Factions 1974
7 New Worlds 6 1975
8 New Worlds Nine 1975
9 Fantastic Stories Special - 1975 Sword & Sorcery Annual 1975
10 Legends from the End 1976
11 Before Armageddon, Vol. 1 1976
12 New Worlds 10 1976
13 The Best of British SF 2 1977
14 Weird Heroes Volume 8 1977
15 New Worlds 1983
16 Great Fantasy 1983
17 Exploring Fantasy Worlds 1985
18 Tales From the Forbidden Planet 1987
19 The Mammoth Book of Fantasy All-Time Greats 1988
20 Zenith 1989
21 Zenith 2: The Best In New British Science Fiction 1989
22 Tarot Tales 1989
23 Third Annual Collection 1989
24 New World Quarterly 2 1993
25 New Worlds No. 221 1996
26 Pawn of Chaos 1996
27 Year's Best SF 3 1998
28 Brit-pulp! 1999
29 The Furthest Horizon 2000
30 Cities 2003
31 The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases 2003
32 Year's Best SF 8 2003
33 Breaking Windows 2003
34 Cross Plains Universe 2006
35 The Space Opera Renaissance 2006
36 Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories 2007
37 Fast Ships, Black Sails 2008
38 The New Weird 2008
39 The Mammoth Book of Extreme Fantasy 2008
40 Kizuna: Fiction for Japan 2011
41 Zenith Lives! 2012
42 Old Mars 2013
43 The Time Traveler's Almanac 2013
44 Fantasy For Good 2014
45 Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse 2017
46 Reports from the Deep End 2023