Stephen Baxter

Stephen Baxter è un autore molto stimato di narrativa di fantascienza hard e storia alternativa. È nato a Liverpool, in Inghilterra, e ha studiato matematica all'Università di Cambridge, conseguendo un dottorato in ingegneria all'Università di Southampton e un MBA al Henley Management College. Prima di diventare un autore a tempo pieno nel 1995, Baxter ha insegnato matematica, fisica e IT. È noto per le sue opere significative, tra cui la Sequenza Xeelee, Destiny's Children, la Trilogia NASA, la Trilogia Manifold, la Trilogia Mammoth, Time Odyssey (co-scritta con Arthur C. Clarke), Time's Tapestry, Long Earth (co-scritta con Terry Pratchett) e la serie Proxima. Baxter attualmente risiede a Prestwood, in Inghilterra.

Oltre alla sua scrittura, Baxter è un ingegnere professionista e membro della British Interplanetary Society. È anche il presidente della British Science Fiction Association e un vicepresidente della società internazionale H.G. Wells, riflettendo la sua forte influenza da parte del pioniere della fantascienza H.G. Wells. I riconoscimenti di Baxter includono il British Science Fiction Award e il Locus Award, nonché nomination per un Arthur C. Clarke Award e un Sidewise Award for Best Alternate History Novel of the Year, che ha vinto per il suo romanzo Voyage. Ha anche vinto il John W. Campbell Award e il Philip K. Dick Award per il suo romanzo The Time Ships. Attualmente sta lavorando al suo prossimo romanzo, una collaborazione con Sir Arthur C. Clarke.
A Time Odyssey Books (with Arthur C. Clarke)
# Titolo Anno
1 Time's Eye 2003
2 Sunstorm 2005
3 Firstborn 2007
Adventures of the Second Doctor Books (with Justin Richards, with Paul Simpson, with Timothy X. Atack, with Victor Pemberton)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Wheel of Ice 2012
2 Doctor Who The Morton Legacy 2017
Anti-Ice Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Anti-Ice 1993
2 Newton's Aliens 2015
Destiny's Children Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Coalescent 2003
2 Exultant 2004
3 Transcendent 2005
4 Resplendent 2006
Évolution Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Evolution 2002
Flood Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Flood 2008
2 Ark 2009
3 Landfall 2015
Imaginings Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Colder Greyer Stones 2012
2 Last and First Contacts 2012
3 Stories from the Northern Road 2012
4 Microcosmos 2013
5 Feast and Famine 2013
6 Twember 2013
7 Strange Visitors 2014
8 Saint Rebor 2015
9 Sleeps With Angels 2015
10 The Light Warden 2015
11 Mementoes 2016
Jones & Bennet Books
# Titolo Anno
1 The Paradox Conspiracy 2015
Long Earth Books (with Terry Pratchett)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Long Earth 2012
2 The Long War 2013
3 The Long Mars 2014
4 The Long Utopia 2015
5 The Long Cosmos 2016
Mammoth Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Silverhair / Mammoth 1999
2 Long Tusk 2000
3 Icebones 2002
Manifold Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Time 1999
2 Space 2000
3 Origin 2001
4 Phase Space 2002
NASA Trilogy Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Voyage 1996
2 Titan 1997
3 Moonseed 1998
Northland Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Stone Spring 2010
2 Bronze Summer 2011
3 Iron Winter 2012
Proxima Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Proxima 2013
2 Ultima 2014
3 Obelisk 2016
The Medusa Chronicles (with Alastair Reynolds)
# Titolo Anno
1 The Medusa Chronicles 2016
The Web - 2027 Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Gulliverzone 1997
2 Dreamcastle 1997
3 Untouchable 1997
4 Spiderbite 1997
5 Lightstorm 1997
6 Sorceress 1997
Time's Tapestry Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Emperor 2006
2 Conqueror 2007
3 Navigator 2007
4 Weaver 2008
World Engines Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Destroyer 2019
2 Creator 2020
Xeelee Sequence Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Raft 1991
2 Timelike Infinity 1992
3 Flux 1993
4 Ring 1994
5 Vacuum Diagrams 1997
6 Riding the Rock 2002
7 Mayflower II 2004
8 Xeelee Endurance 2005
9 Starfall 2009
10 Gravity Dreams 2011
11 Vengeance 2017
12 Redemption 2019
Romanzi singoli
# Titolo Anno
1 The Time Ships 1995
2 Reality Dust 2000
3 The Light of Other Days 2000
4 Omegatropic 2001
5 The H-Bomb Girl 2007
6 Cilia-of-Gold 2007
7 The Massacre of Mankind 2017
8 Galaxias 2021
9 The Thousand Earths 2022
Collections (with Eric Brown)
# Titolo Anno
1 Traces 1998
2 The Hunters of Pangaea 2004
3 Universes 2013
4 Project Clio 2016
5 The Spacetime Pit Plus Two 2018
Racconti brevi/Novelle
# Titolo Anno
1 Moon Six 1997
2 The Gravity Mine 2000
3 On the Orion Line 2000
4 The Ghost Pit 2001
5 Last Contact 2007
6 Vacuum Lad 2010
Libri di non-fiction
# Titolo Anno
1 Deep Future 1985
2 Hardyware: The Art of David A. Hardy 2001
3 Revolutions In The Earth 2004
4 Ages in Chaos 2004
5 The Science of Avatar 2010
The Web - 2028 Books
# Titolo Anno
1 Webcrash 1998
2 Cydonia 1998
3 Spindrift 1998
4 Computopia 1998
5 Avatar 1998
6 Walkabout 1998
7 The Web: 2028 1999
Zenith: The Best in New British Science Fiction Books (with Lisa Tuttle, with Garry Douglas Kilworth, with Michael Moorcock, with Storm Constantine, with Brian M. Stableford, with Ian Macdonald, with Colin Greenland, with Eric Brown, with John Gribbin, with David S. Garnett, with Simon D. Ings, with Jojo Bling, with Elizabeth Sourbut)
# Titolo Anno
1 Zenith 1989
2 Zenith 2: The Best In New British Science Fiction 1989
The Lovecraft Squad Books
# Titolo Anno
1 All Hallows Horror 2017
2 Waiting 2017
3 Dreaming 2018
4 Rising 2020
Stephen Baxter Anthologies
# Titolo Anno
1 Zenith 1989
2 Zenith 2: The Best In New British Science Fiction 1989
3 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Eleventh Annual Collection 1993
4 Asimov's Science Fiction, June 1994 1994
5 Shakespearean Whodunnits 1997
6 Asimov's Science Fiction, May 1997 1997
7 Year's Best SF 2 1997
8 Dark Terrors 4 1998
9 Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction 1998
10 Nanotech 1998
11 The Ant-Men of Tibet and Other Stories 1999
12 Year's Best SF 4 1999
13 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Sixteenth Annual Collection 1999
14 Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July 1999 1999
15 Asimov's Science Fiction, April 2000 2000
16 Year's Best SF 5 2000
17 Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October/November 2000 2000
18 Futures 2001
19 Space Soldiers 2001
20 Starlight 3 2001
21 Asimov's Science Fiction: August 2001, Vol. 25, No. 8 2001
22 The Mammoth Book Of Science Fiction 2002
23 Dark Terrors 6 2002
24 Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian 2003
25 The Hard SF Renaissance 2003
26 A.I.s 2004
27 The Anthology at the End of the Universe: Leading Science Fiction Authors on Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2005
28 The War of the Worlds: Fresh Perspectives 2005
29 The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction 2006
30 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Third Annual Collection 2006
31 The Space Opera Renaissance 2006
32 Forbidden Planets 2006
33 The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction 2007
34 Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge 2007
35 Year's Best SF 13 2008
36 Sideways In Crime 2008
37 The Mammoth Book of Best New SF 22 2008
38 Golden Age SF 2009
39 The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF 2009
40 Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded 2010
41 Asimov's Science Fiction, June 2010 2010
42 Masked 2010
43 Starship Vectors 2010
44 Solaris Rising 2011
45 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Ninth Annual Collection 2012
46 Flotsam Fantastique: The Souvenir Book of World Fantasy Convention 2013 2013
47 Multiverse 2014
48 Sci-Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder 2014
49 Darker Terrors 7 2016
50 Bridging Infinity 2016
51 Fables from the Fountain 2018
52 Infinity's End 2018
53 Scarlet Traces 2019
54 Stories of Hope and Wonder: In Support of UK's Healthcare Workers 2020
55 The 2020 Look at Mars Fiction Book 2020
56 The 2020 Look at Space Opera Book 2020
57 Burning Brightly 2021
58 Collision: Stories From the Science of CERN 2023
59 Life Beyond Us 2023